Carol Lionellis Speaks In Hindsight

A few years ago, I was invited to join a panel discussion.

Carol McCormick is the wife to Stuart McCormick, as well as the mother of Kenny, Kevin, and Karen. 1 Background 1.1 Religion 1.2 Interests 1.3 Voice acting 2 Appearance 3 Personality 4 Family 4.1 Father 4.2 Mother 4.3 Stuart McCormick 4.4 Kevin McCormick 4.5 Kenny McCormick 4.6 Karen McCormick 5 Trivia 6 Prominence 7 References Her family seems to be fairly religious and Roman Catholic, like. Summary: A twist on themes from a Christmas Carol and It’s a Wonderful Life. Although characters such as George Bailey and Scrooge have ventured to the past, present, and future to learn life lessons, the angel Gabby teaches Bailey that the past and future are rather complicated. And, sometimes, hindsight is not always 20/20. One thought/question, in hindsight of the last 3 days. When was the last time the JCOS held a public/private, meeting with centralized media, just before an election, announcing and answering, certain questions which could have easily been answered with a short pressor, something done with regularity?


The organizer didn’t provide me with much detail in advance, so I emailed a few times to learn more about the panel. “It’s just a loose conversation about the media,” he told me. “No need to prepare anything specific.”

Carol lionellis speaks in hindsight movie

Carol Lionellis Speaks In Hindsight Movie

Women's History Month continues with new releases from saxophonist Lakecia Benjamin, vocalist Jay Clayton, pianist Nuphar Fey and guitarist Pat Metheny, with birthday shout outs to vocalist Carol Sloane in the first hour (pictured), along with Nicki Parrott, Rachelle Garniez, Billy Childs, Carole Bayer Sager, Tomoko Ohno, Anat Fort and Eric Comstock, among others.

I asked whether I should prepare any opening remarks. He told me that there wouldn’t be any and that he’d jump straight into the conversation.

Carol lionellis speaks in hindsight today

As the four of us on the panel took our seats, the organizer/moderator introduced us. Then, without warning, he said: “We’ll begin with each panelist giving five minutes of opening remarks. We’ll start with Brad Phillips.”

I’ve written before about that “oh, shit” moment, where your physiological symptoms overwhelm you as the fight or flight syndrome kicks in. My heart started thumping.


I had mere seconds to decide what to do. I could have complained that he hadn’t informed me in advance that I’d need an opening statement (although, curiously, he seemed to have informed the other panelists). I could have informed the audience that although I wasn’t prepared, I’d do the best I could. Or I could have asked for someone else to go first.

Instead, I decided to fight through it. I gave an opening statement. On the plus side, the words I uttered were in English—but that was about the only thing I had going for me. My opening statement lacked a central theme, a sense of importance, and any type of organization. As a presentation coach, I’d give it a “C-.”

Since then, I’ve learned to formulate my impromptu comments using a sandwich formula, with the main point at the beginning and end of my comments, supplemented by an example or two in the middle. Alternatively, you might try the “reverse sandwich” formula, which places your examples at the beginning and end of your comments, anchored by the main point in the middle.

Carol Lionellis Speaks In Hindsight Today

In hindsight, I made the right decision to proceed without excuse. But I’ll never walk into a panel presentation again without a well-formed opening and closing statement ready to go.

Carol Lionellis Speaks In Hindsight Youtube

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