Please, Please Drive Safely...

Sometimes, things might go wrong, and you end up with a half-flashed drive that is unusable by your operating systems, and common graphical tools might even refuse to get it back to a normal state. To solve these kinds of problems, we've collected a list of fail-proof methods to completely erase your drive in major operating systems. This is a film about the wider effects of dangerous driving, so is an advertisement for a safer society. The subject of the advertisement suffers flashbacks. NOTICE PLEASE DRIVE SAFELY, Safety Signs Promote safety with OSHA compliant signs, Make it clear that your policy promotes safety first. Set the tone for a clean and accident-free working environment. Communicate the importance of avoiding accidents. Be committed to improving conditions for workers. Details File Size: 1776KB Duration: 1.500 sec Dimensions: 498x328 Created: 8/4/2020, 12:23:51 PM.

If you have questions about I Drive Safely’s courses, we’ve got the answers! Below you’ll find some of the most commonly asked questions we get. Just like driving laws, drivers education and traffic school programs vary from state to state, so if you have a question about your state, please give our customer support team a call!

Please drive safely

1. What courses do you offer?

I Drive Safely offers the following courses:

Please Drive Safely Images

  • Drivers Ed – If you’re looking to get your drivers license for the first time, we can help you – no matter your age!
  • Defensive Driving – Also known as Traffic School, Driver Improvement, and a number of other names. Take care of a traffic violation, reduce points on your record, and/or earn an insurance discount by taking this course!
  • Mature Driving – Drivers 55 and older can refresh their driving knowledge and earn an insurance discount after taking this course.
  • Practice Tests – Study for your written exams at the DMV with our state-of-the-art online practice tests.
  • Driving Record – Stay on top of your driving record by ordering one online at I Drive Safely.
  • Fleet – Ensure your company is safe and responsible on the road by investing in a fleet driver safety program courtesy of I Drive Safely.

2. Are all of your courses online?

Yes, we pride ourselves on having 100% online, web-based courses that are convenient for everyone.

3. What’s the difference between a classroom course and an online course?

An online course offers all the educational benefits of a classroom course in a convenient online format. You can set your own learning pace and take the course at your leisure, and go over the material based on your personal learning preferences. With I Drive Safely’s online course, you can essentially study whenever, wherever, and however you want, as long as you have a computer with an Internet connection.

4. How do I know if I can take an IDS course on my computer?

You do not need any special software to use our course. Minimum browser requirements: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or greater, Firefox, Google Chrome, or any other browser that provides equal or greater functionality. There is no software to download and nothing saved to your hard drive. Some courses use the Macromedia Flash Player (10.0 or greater). This product is free and can be downloaded and installed at registration.

5. Are your courses approved in my state?

Course approval varies from state to state. To view approval, select your state from our state selector on the desired course page and look for the state approval seal on the state page. You can also consult your court for further information about approval.

6. How can I pay for my course?

Please Drive Safely

You may make your payment online by using a credit card, PayPal or bank debit card with a Visa/MasterCard/Amex/Discover logo through our secure server. If you are uncomfortable submitting your payment online, you can contact our customer support representatives to make your payment over the phone.

7. What certificate delivery options do you offer?

For most courses, we offer free shipping of your completion certificate via U.S. Mail. In some cases, we even ship on the same day you complete your course. If you’d like your certificate sooner rather than later, we also offer affordable expedited delivery options via FedEx. Please note that if you live in a rural area, delivery delays may occur. Email delivery and immediate download is also available in some states.

8. Do you send my certificate directly to the court?

Each state or court has specific requirements for the processing of certificates. For example, in Texas, we are required to send the certificate directly to the student and not permitted to submit directly to the court. In other states, you may have the option of having the certificate sent directly to the court on your behalf. However, this can only be done using one of our premium delivery services. We will not send a certificate to the court using regular mail as we have no way of verifying that the court actually received your certificate.

9. What is I Drive Safely’s course cancellation/refund policy?

It is important to us that you are satisfied with your purchase. If you change your mind about the course, we’ll refund the full cost of the course purchased on our website within thirty (30) days of purchase and before you have attempted to complete the final examination (or the quiz of the last chapter, where applicable) or a certificate has been issued whichever comes first. No refunds will be issued for failure to pass the final examination. We will issue your refund within thirty (30) days of your request.

10. What is I Drive Safely’s operation and conduct policy?

Please drive safely

No credit or completion will be given if the course is completed by anyone other than you or if you are assisted by an outside party. When you enroll in the course you are stating under penalty of perjury that you, and not another person, studied the material in its entirety and completed that chapter quizzes and the final exam. By registering for the course, you understand that it may be a felony to make false statements or to falsify documents submitted by the court.

11. Who can I talk to if I have further questions about I Drive Safely?

Please drive safely images

If you’re encountering problems with our course or have any other general questions that haven’t been answered, please give our customer support team a call or an e-mail at Our team is available 7 days a week to answer any and all of your driving-related questions and concerns.